
We seek out the gaps in mainstream reporting to look where no one else is looking. We uncover the hidden actors shaping our politics, society and environment—stories that affect everyone.

MPs’ ‘Fair Fuel’ group run by fuel additive salesman

2 March 2022

MPs’ ‘Fair Fuel’ group run by fuel additive salesman

A cross-party group of British MPs lobbied for fuel additives as an alternative to the ban on petrol vehicles while failing to disclose it was run by a fuel additive salesman

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BP under pressure over fuel for Russian military

26 February 2022

BP under pressure over fuel for Russian military

BP may be profiting from Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine through its stake in Rosneft, a major fuel supplier to Russia’s military

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Britain’s last coal plant in line for £31m handout

14 February 2022

Britain’s last coal plant in line for £31m handout

The UK government is phasing out coal power from 2024 — but not before it pays millions to keep the last plant open

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London is a battleground for Nigeria’s looted oil millions

8 February 2022

London is a battleground for Nigeria’s looted oil millions

Fortunes stolen by military dictator Sani Abacha are now being fought over in UK courts

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Greece’s Gas Trap

8 February 2022

Greece’s Gas Trap

Greece's state-of-the-art electricity trading system is a disaster for consumers and a bonanza for fossil fuels suppliers

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EU ministers back gas project linked to Malta journalist’s murder

22 November 2021

EU ministers back gas project linked to Malta journalist’s murder

The EU has pledged to phase-out support for fossil-fuel infrastructure - but energy ministers are arguing for an exception to be made for Malta

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Shell ‘Drive Carbon Neutral’ claims in doubt after forest scrutiny

25 October 2021

Shell ‘Drive Carbon Neutral’ claims in doubt after forest scrutiny

As world leaders gather to debate the future of carbon offsetting, a SourceMaterial investigation raises questions about the oil giant’s net zero plans

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BP is planning to drill for gas on edge of world’s largest cold-water coral reef

21 June 2021

BP is planning to drill for gas on edge of world’s largest cold-water coral reef

Oil giant’s plan to drill off west coast of Africa could raise the risk of biodiversity loss, further global heating and toxic fuel spills

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Top airlines’ promises to offset flights rely on ‘phantom credits’

4 May 2021

Top airlines’ promises to offset flights rely on ‘phantom credits’

British Airways, easyJet and other major carriers state that by supporting forest conservation projects they can offset emissions. A new investigation shows the bold claims can’t be verified

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US deal with failing Greensill followed talks with gas lobby

4 May 2021

US deal with failing Greensill followed talks with gas lobby

Government approved 'creative financing' measures under to win over industry groups

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Shell funded lobbying for Trump’s controversial fossil fuel finance rule

25 February 2021

Shell funded lobbying for Trump’s controversial fossil fuel finance rule

Rule finalised in Donald Trump’s last week as president aimed to prevent banking policies against lending to Arctic drilling and coal

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