
We seek out the gaps in mainstream reporting to look where no one else is looking. We uncover the hidden actors shaping our politics, society and environment—stories that affect everyone.

BP’s latest dirty secret? An oil terminal polluting the Red Sea for decades

16 November 2022

BP’s latest dirty secret? An oil terminal polluting the Red Sea for decades

Just across the water from the COP27 summit, a plant recently owned by BP is pumping contaminated water into the ocean—and has been doing so for decades

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Mines, pipelines, oil rigs: What HSBC’s ‘sustainable finance’ really pays for

31 October 2022

Mines, pipelines, oil rigs: What HSBC’s ‘sustainable finance’ really pays for

HSBC has committed to contribute up to $1 trillion in sustainable financing and investment by 2030. But billions of dollars being counted towards this target are in fact helping to fuel the climate crisis

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Greece’s unjust transition

6 August 2022

Greece’s unjust transition

In one of Europe’s most beleaguered regions, Greece’s ‘Just Transition’ away from coal is providing neither the clean energy nor the jobs it promised

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The Man Behind the Curtain

30 June 2022

The Man Behind the Curtain

Rainer Sonntag rode a wave of violence to become one of Germany’s leading neo-Nazis. He was also a communist spy—and worked for Vladimir Putin

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‘Battle of science’ rages over Peru glacier

3 June 2022

‘Battle of science’ rages over Peru glacier

A landmark court case raises questions about a German energy giant's funding for disputed climate research

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Qatar World Cup relying on flawed carbon offsets

31 May 2022

Qatar World Cup relying on flawed carbon offsets

SourceMaterial analysis finds problems with the competition's claims

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Greece’s gas trap, Part II

9 May 2022

Greece’s gas trap, Part II

How Athens is blocking the shift to clean energy in favour of fossil fuels

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Buy low, sell high:  What they don’t tell you about carbon offsets

2 May 2022

Buy low, sell high: What they don’t tell you about carbon offsets

As investors flock to a booming market, middlemen are pocketing cash that is supposed to fight climate change

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Glencore and the Order of Friendship

13 April 2022

Glencore and the Order of Friendship

The trading giant’s lucrative deals with allies of Vladimir Putin

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Trafigura ships Russian oil at prewar levels as competitors scale back

27 March 2022

Trafigura ships Russian oil at prewar levels as competitors scale back

Trafigura is continuing to ship Russian oil at prewar levels as its competitors scale back deliveries

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Trading giants keep Russian oil flowing as majors feel the heat

12 March 2022

Trading giants keep Russian oil flowing as majors feel the heat

Trafigura, Vitol and Glencore loading Black Sea cargoes as war intensifies

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